1. StumbleUpon.com Bookmarking here is can be super social. My Stumbles all the time showing me different interesting sites that neither her or I would have ever found. You can easily search through friends bookmarks as well. Submitting your site here correctly can lead to tons of new users. Get it on Chrome
2. Delicious.com The Bookmarking here is very easy. finding new sites using their tagging system is probably the best way to get potential clients. Adding tags help people find what they are looking for a lot easier. If you think about it there are many way sto use delicious's tagging system to increase sells on a particular item. Fast results for backlinks. Get it on Chrome
3. Reddit.com is more about looking through all submitted bookmarks for over all news. Submitting your bookmarks here is great for backlinks but lacks in promotion on the actual site. It is consider highly as a source of up to the minute information. Get it on Chrome
4. Pinterest.com The bookmarking site with pictures. This idea as most of us know now really took off. Pinterest grew faster than any other social bookmarking page I have ever seen. This is very social and is know for passing good information. People use this site to find what they are looking for. Not to mention major companies adding it to their social experience online. Getting people to re-pin your pins is a great means of spreading your services. Get it on Chrome
5. Fark.com is very stern but has a name for doing a good hob at weeding out trouble makers and spam artist. Getting a good trusted account setup here is a good thing to have in your bag of SEO tricks. Promoting your own sites only? This is not the place.
If you need help getting people to bookmark your sites to these sites or you are just looking for votes and good ratings I use this Social Media Exchange System it is FREE. I use it to get people to re-pin my pictures, follow my bookmarks and general social promotions.
Need more bookmarking sites try this list
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